Individual aND cOUPLES

      Virtual tHERAPY SESSIONS     

Individual Therapy

You may be contemplating therapy to help you navigate through challenging life transitions, manage stress, address persistent worries and intrusive thoughts, or manage feelings of depression. Alternatively, you might want to gain a deeper understanding of recurring patterns, overcome feelings of stagnation in your career or relationships, or gain insight into your identity and values. Or perhaps, you simply require a safe haven to explore your thoughts and unload your burdens.  

We all experience times when we feel stuck or overwhelmed. It can be difficult to identify the underlying reasons, and even when we acknowledge them, it doesn’t assure us that we’ll possess the means to enact the essential changes needed to live a satisfying life. I hope to offer you a fresh perspective, accountability, and unwavering support on your journey.


Couples Therapy

Choosing couples therapy is often a sign of commitment to the relationship and can demonstrate a desire to strengthen a bond. Couples may seek therapy to address issues from their past, address current challenges, or prepare for the future. Other common reasons include difficulties in communication, differences in parenting styles, loss of intimacy, trust issues, struggles with addiction, or navigating major life transitions. Additionally, one or both partners may be dealing with anxiety or depression. However, it's important to note that couples don't necessarily need a specific problem to benefit from therapy; it can serve as a valuable space to explore thoughts, feelings, emotions, and various life situations.

Every couple encounters challenges in their relationship, and a therapist can provide effective guidance for navigating these difficulties. My role is to assist you and your partner in recognizing and modifying the patterns that have developed in your relationship in order to create a happier and healthier connection.

Work With Gabrielle

You have made the first step. Sometimes we need help zooming out to see the big picture and sometimes we need help zooming in to see the next step in front of us. I am here to help you.

Most clients have enjoyed the convenience of telehealth therapy sessions

Self-awareness is a valuable tool for personal growth and making positive life changes